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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Predict Baby Gender Kits Are On SALE!!

 Boy or Girl? No More Guesswork - Find Out Early!

BABY DEALS ALERT: Two popular gender prediction kits in the marketplace for curious parents who wish to know the gender of their baby early in the pregnancy:


Popular Baby Gender Reveal Kit

Baby Gender Reveal Kit Prenatal Sex Test for Early Pregnancy (ON SALE TODAY: 2 COMPLETE KITS for the price of 1. Everything Needed to Learn the Gender of Your Baby
as Early as 6 Weeks into Your Pregnancy.)

(Find out the gender of your baby as early as 10 weeks into your pregnancy.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

3 Issues that Affect FERTILITY of Couples

3 Main Factors Affecting Fertility in Both Genders - Key Points:

  • Smoking:

    The effects of first-hand smoke are well documented.

    2nd hand smoke (inhaling other people's smoke) - insidious and just as deadly.

    3rd hand smoke (find toxins in your furniture, etc.) - impacts ovarian aging, etc.
Reversible within a year after stopping smoking.

  • Cell phones and Laptops:

Should you keep your cell-phone in the front pocket or back pocket?

Or even on your pelvis at all?!

Affects motility of sperm.

And then there's the HEAT from your laptop (not to mention the electromagnetic emissions) which lowers sperm count.
Using a laptop-pad to dissipate the heat is ... false security!
Note: 30% of infertility stems from the MALE (contrary to popular belief).
So, it's a double whammy for sperm cells - lower motility AND sperm count!


  •  Lifestyle, Stress, Alcohol... (Non-genetic, Non-congenital Issues):

May take longer to conceive with high stress levels, insufficient sleep, and hgh alcohol intake.
Steroids, obesity, herbicides, TV-watching, etc. impact sperm-count / sperm-normality negatively.

The message is clear: Dry out for a while (both partners) if you wish to conceive.

Some countries are proactive in trying to stop the decline in their (aging) populations due to decreasing birth rates by providing incentives or assistance to couples. Check out what your local agencies provide and take it from there, if this applies. One effect of the different birth rates or fertility of different groups mean that the demographic dynamics of a country or region may change or is changing significantly and within a relatively short time.

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