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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Video Baby Quotations

Video Baby Quotations

Don't take the Child out of Your Child
And He'll help You find YOURS.

M L Hua

See what Einstein thought about Babies, Fairy Tales and Intelligence!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tips for Conceiving the Baby Gender of Your Choice

This video discusses the basics of conceiving, in particular, the sexual positions that will tip the scales in your favour for conceiving the baby gender of your choice, according to the Shettles Method. Remember NATURAL methods are NOT 100 per cent foolproof - but you have better chances of success if you 'tipped the scales' in your favour than if you did NOTHING at all!

Even though there is theoretically a 50/50 chance of conceiving either sex, in some families this ratio may be skewed in reality due to for example, an inherited tendency or other factors to have more boys than girls or vice versa.

Did you know that today sperm count is lower in men than say for their forbears due to many reasons eg. higher level of chemical and other pollution, use of laptops, mobile devices, etc.?

Tip: Do NOT place your laptop directly on your lap as there is evidence that 1) electromagnetic radiation as well as the 2) HEAT from your laptop - decreases sperm count!!**

Tip: Similarly with cell-phone storage - avoid storing them in your pocket close to your 'crown-jewels' as that will also reduce sperm count.**

(There are many more tips on the 'do's' and 'don'ts' on how to determine baby gender).

Note: also that pollutants like plastics in the environment eg. food stored or sold in plastic containers, disposable plastic-foam cups, etc., increase oestrogen in the surroundings amongst other things. Higher levels of oestrogen depress sperm count, as well as cause children to mature faster (cf. children are developing breasts at an earlier age.) High stress levels, eg. from work or business, personal financials and / or relationship issues also depress sperm count.

Tip: Don't move around immediately after sex but lie quietly for a while (for the woman) in order to increase the chances of getting pregnant especially if you are using the shallow sex technique (the position often advocated for determining girl gender where you are trying to stack the odds in favour of X-sperm success).

Deep penetration techniques that are recommended for determining boy gender stack the odds in favour of the Y-sperms, which swim faster and so reach the egg faster. Deep methods place the sperm closer to the cervix so the sprinters have a shorter distance to travel to reach their destination before they perish. This is more advantangeous for predicting boy gender especially if you have truly missed your ovulation date because the X-sperms, which are hardier 'long-distance runners' will outlive and beat the Y-sperms to the 'finishing line' - the ovum (egg)! Good, if you are determining girl gender for baby.

Go here to ARM yourself with the correct information on how to predict Baby gender.

**Further reading

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Lighter Side of Parenthood

Generation Z

I found these cute gems which I think you might enjoy, so here they are!

"Would you like to play on your Baby Gym now?"

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What a Child Teaches His Parents: Quotations from Babies

You are his .... world, his everything,
he trusts you implicitly.
He's counting on you.

Don't fail him!
M. L Hua  9-dec-2012 

 "The best gift you can give your Child: NEVER
~Crush His Spirit, Stifle or
~Cage His Imagination!" 

Set Him Free
To Be The Best He Will Be!
M. L Hua  9-dec-2012

"Like there's no Tomorrow because all you're getting now
is ... Today."
M. L Hua  9-dec-2012


A Child's Magical View of the World.

M. L Hua  9-dec-2012

Remember the time when your head and heart was filled with fairy tales as a kid?  Your baby is waiting to discover this with you!

Happily trip down memory lane again and rediscover the  
Magic with a Little Person who simply can't wait to
... share your joy with you

Best gift you can give to BABY -

He wants to fly? Then help him fly!

Theory of Relativity as applied to ... Biology!

As you might be aware, Albert Einstein is the 
Father of The Theory of Relativity 
(as applied to Physics and Astronomy and ..... Biology as well, so it appears.)


Lastly but not least

Don't take the Child out of Your Child
And he'll help you find YOURS!

M L Hua

 You can view this quotation in video format here.

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