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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Documentary: The Disappearing Male

Is Your Fertility Safe? Take a Look:

*"Infertility Rates are Rising as Sperm Counts Drop"

"One couple in the film described the waiting room at their infertility clinic as similar to an emergency room – packed with lines extending down the hall. Infertility is more common than many think these days. An estimated 1 in 6 American couples struggle with getting pregnant each year1 and there's compelling evidence that hormone-disrupting environmental chemicals are partly to blame.

The problem with low sperm counts has become so severe that the World Health Organization has had to continually drop what’s considered a ‘normal’ sperm count to lower and lower levels over the last several decades, lest too many men be classified as infertile.

Chemicals that may disrupt sperm count and quality are pervasive in today's modern world. They lurk in personal care products, food containers, medical tubing, toys and more. Bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates are two of the most well known culprits..." 

We tend to take our fertility for granted and may not be aware of how chemical and other pollutants affect it until we try to start a family. So what better time than now to learn how to help ourselves and protect our fertility >

*Courtesy of
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